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A fact that the success of the life should be measured by knowledge and not by the wealth.

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Copyright © 2021. Delhi Public Elementary School

Principal’s Message

Welcome to Delhi Public Elementary School, an initiative of “Upnishad Shiksha Prakalp”, a school that follows the philosophy of Upnishad and that believes in making a difference in the life of every child we admit. We offer an engaging and challenging environment for boys and girls between the ages 3 to 18 years (Nursery to Grade XI) with the firm belief that the co-educational education system is the best possible way to train young minds to face the future challenges of life. While providing the students with the broadest possible education, our effort is to provide an ambience where their passion for academics and co-curricular activities like Sports, Art & Craft and Music & Dance can be recognized, valued and shaped to maximize their potential as able, thinking and compassionate citizens of the country.

As the motto of the school is “My interest My way” – suggests that our priority is to provide the conditions for the forging character with leadership qualities. The future of the nation depends upon good leaders, leaders who have the strength of conviction and breadth of vision, the leader in all aspects of life. Mere focus on a career goal, where the self has put everything before everything else, can only be a very limited goal. We need people who will rise above narrow mindedness and expand the ambits of their personalities to become effective leaders. Our endeavour is to shape such leaders of tomorrow. Leaders who are capable, talented, confident as well as humane sensitive and imaginative. Our belief is true education seeks to make men and women not only good mathematicians, proficient linguists, path-breaking scientists or brilliant literary lights but also honest individuals with virtue temperance and kindness.

We cannot fully describe the excellent atmosphere and facilities at Delhi Public Elementary School in a few words. So come and experience the life of Upnishadians first hand and I promise that you will not be disappointed!

Ms. Reshma Juneja

Upnishad Indore

 CBSE Mandatory Disclosure