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The Importance of Exercise and Being Physically Fit For Students In The Pandemic Situation

This epidemic has forced many of us to spend more time at home, sitting down and abandoning our regular exercise routines. Experts are warning that this sudden change of behavior toward a more sedentary lifestyle is putting our health at risk. Furthermore, physical inactivity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases. e.g., cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and chronic lung disease. We all understand that exercise supports our physical health, however, during times of crisis such as this, it is the first activity we tend to ignore. Being active can not only keep us healthy, it can also help us fight off infection.

Experts say that regular, moderate exercise can strengthen the immune system, which is more important now than ever before. Exercise reduces stress, improves sleep, strengthens immunity.

It boosts energy level, concentration, focus, and productivity. It helps improve brain function and memory. Mentally and emotionally, the benefits are enormous.

We the Delhi Public Elementary School, best CBSE School in Indore, suggests the following ways to be fit and fine:

1. Warm-up: Before you start working out, do warm-up exercises so that your body gets used to activity slowly rather than directly plunging into a heavy workout. A brisk warm-up session gets your body exercise-ready.

2. Brisk walking

Exercise Type: Aerobic

Brisk walking is less intense type of aerobic exercise, but beneficial as it keeps up the heartrate and boosts the muscles. It’s a better form of exercise than jogging as it exerts less impact over the joints in case one suffers from weak knees or ankles.

3. Stationary Cycling

Exercise Type: Aerobic

Stationary cycles are available at most gyms and, nowadays, can be bought and kept at homes. This is a great form of aerobic exercise with less impact on the joints and minimal chances of injury.

4. Squats

Exercise Type: Balance

Squats are a simple and effective way to get your daily dose of balance exercise. The best part is no equipment is required to do a squat other than the body weight. This requires you to lower yourself from a standing position into a semi-sitting position. It’s important to follow the correct position—to keep the back straight as one squats.

5. Regular Stretching

Exercise Type: Flexibility

Stretching is an essential exercise to keep the muscles intact and in the correct position. One needs to stretch all the different muscles in the neck, back, chest, abdomen, sides, arms, calves and thighs. Working the joints in the body is equally important to avoid joint stiffness.

6. Yoga

Exercise Type: Flexibility, strength training, balance

Yoga has been practiced for ages and is the best recommended form of exercise for stretching and muscle building at the same time. Surya namaskar, kapalbhati, are the best poses to ease the body functionality, mental discipline and focus.

7. Deep Breathing Exercises

Pranayama (a form of yoga) is a very efficient method in order to keep your lungs healthy which is very crucial in these times. Daily devoting 15-20 minutes for this exercise would do a great deal in keeping your lungs fit.

We at Delhi Public Elementary School conduct daily Physical Activity lectures for students and motivate and guide them for being physically and mentally fit.

By Ansh Tiwari


There are 4 comments on this post
  1. Shilpa Dubey
    May 28, 2021, 12:25 pm

    Nice information, we all must have followed this

  2. Shruti
    May 28, 2021, 12:28 pm

    Much Needed

  3. Shubham Barapatre
    May 28, 2021, 12:41 pm

    Important steps to stay away from diseases. We all must follow this

  4. Dhruv Tiwari
    May 28, 2021, 1:32 pm

    Yes ,very necessary. Good thought.

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